Why? Why? Why?
(1) Doctors firmly believe the medicinal benefits of circumcision. 99% of doctors we surveyed recommends universal circumcision. They believe that it is good for
(a) preventing cervical cancer
(b) sex
(c) hygiene
(d) “hardness of penis?”, etc…
(2) Many of South Korean doctors’ beliefs are from Americans of the past.
(3) Not surprisingly, many laymen believe doctors and add their own myths. Circumcision has been viewed a cure-all-aphrodisiac.
(4) Circumcision is viewed as an “advance”. You see, Americans did it, so it must be good and developed countries must be doing it.
(5) South Korean doctors have written ZERO number of articles on circumcision and lack even the basic knowledge such as the definition of phimosis. They also erroneously think that such “advanced” country as Japan or Denmark should be practicing universal circumcision. No wonder that they recommend universal circumcision.